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Rev Up Your Revenue Operations with Metered Billing

Rev Up Your Revenue Operations with Metered Billing

The benefits of implementing a metered billing infrastructure and incorporating usage-based pricing to drive revenue.

May 18, 2023

Metered Billing Infrastructure

As the Revenue Operations function grows in importance for the overall success of companies, ensuring that your organization has a robust billing infrastructure becomes crucial. This includes the ability to handle complex pricing plans, accurate usage tracking, and flexible billing options. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of implementing a metered billing infrastructure and usage-based tracking, address common pain points associated with traditional billing systems, and discuss the significance of pricing strategy improvements.

The Pain Points of Traditional Billing Systems:

Before delving into the benefits of a metered billing infrastructure, let's examine the common challenges that B2B software companies face with traditional billing systems.
These pain points include:
1. Lack of flexibility: Traditional billing systems often rely on inflexible flat-rate pricing models that fail to cater to customers with varying needs and usage patterns.
2. Inaccurate billing: Traditional billing systems lacking accurate usage tracking may generate incorrect invoices, leading to disputes and customer churn.
3. Time-consuming manual processes: Traditional billing systems typically require manual intervention for managing complex pricing plans, add-ons, and usage monitoring.
4. Hurdles to product adoption: Complex billing systems hinder the adoption of products, resulting in a lower win rate for the sales team and impacting Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).
5. Limited scalability: Traditional billing systems may struggle to scale effectively, especially when businesses expand their customer base or enter new markets.
6. Poor customer experience: Traditional billing systems can cause frustration and dissatisfaction among customers, particularly when they receive inaccurate or unexpected bills. Clear communication and addressing misunderstandings related to usage and overages are critical to reducing churn.

The Internal Benefits of a Metered Billing Infrastructure:

Implementing a metered billing infrastructure can address many of the pain points associated with traditional billing systems for B2B software companies.
Here are the significant benefits:
  1. Customized pricing plans: A metered billing infrastructure enables offering customized pricing plans based on usage, attracting more customers and increasing revenue.
  2. Accurate billing and invoicing: By relying on real-time usage tracking, a metered billing infrastructure ensures accurate billing and invoicing, building trust with customers.
  3. Streamlined processes: Automating billing processes through a metered billing infrastructure reduces the need for manual intervention and speeds up the invoicing process.
  4. Scalability: A metered billing infrastructure can effectively scale with your business, providing the necessary flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.
  5. Improved customer experience: With transparent and accurate billing information, a metered billing infrastructure enhances the overall customer experience.

How a Metered Billing Infrastructure Works:

A metered billing infrastructure consists of three main components:
  • Usage tracking: A comprehensive usage tracking system captures real-time or periodic data on customer service usage. It allows tracking at a granular level, accommodating complex pricing plans and add-ons.
  • Billing engine: The billing engine processes the usage data and generates accurate invoices based on customer usage. It handles different billing frequencies (monthly, quarterly, annually) and offers flexible billing options like proration and prorated refunds.
  • Payment gateway integration: The billing engine integrates with a secure payment gateway (e.g., Stripe or Adyen) to process payments and manage customer billing information. It should support multiple payment methods and currencies while complying with relevant regulations (e.g., PCI DSS).

What to Look for When Buying a Metered Billing Infrastructure

Consider the following factors when selecting a metered billing infrastructure:
  • Accuracy: Choose a system that accurately tracks usage and generates precise invoices to prevent disputes with customers.
  • Scalability: Ensure the system can handle growth and adapt to evolving business needs.
  • Integration: Select a system that seamlessly integrates with your existing payment gateway and other systems.
  • Security: Opt for a system that offers robust security features to protect customer data and prevent fraud.
  • Support: Look for a provider that offers excellent customer support to promptly resolve any issues that may arise.

Infrastructure Changes Enable Pricing Model Improvements

Consider the following statistics and insights:
  • Revenue growth: Zuora's recent survey revealed a 23% increase in revenue growth for companies adopting usage-based billing, compared to those that didn't. Price Intelligently's study indicated an average revenue increase of 25% for companies switching to usage-based pricing.
  • Reduced churn: Usage-based billing helps reduce churn by providing customers with flexibility and transparency. ChartMogul's study found an average churn reduction of 25% for companies adopting usage-based billing.
  • Increased efficiency: Automation of billing processes through usage-based billing leads to improved efficiency. MGI Research reported a 90% reduction in invoice generation and payment processing time for companies implementing usage-based billing.
  • Improved customer experience: Gartner's survey revealed that 80% of B2B customers prefer usage-based pricing, and companies offering it experience higher customer satisfaction rates.
  • Higher margins: Simon-Kucher & Partners' study highlighted a 10-15% increase in profit margins for companies adopting usage-based pricing compared to traditional models.
  • Better market positioning: McKinsey & Company's report indicated that companies employing innovative pricing strategies like usage-based billing are more likely to outperform competitors, differentiating themselves in the market.
Adopting a usage-based billing model can be highly beneficial for B2B software companies, leading to increased revenue, reduced churn, improved efficiency, better customer experience, higher margins, and enhanced market positioning. By offering customers flexibility and transparency in pricing, companies can differentiate themselves, build stronger relationships with customers, and achieve long-term growth and success. With the right metered billing infrastructure in place, such as Archetype, you can elevate your revenue operations and stay ahead of the competition.
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